We find ourselves in unprecedented and very challenging times with the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic across the globe.

Many businesses will have taken the decision to close their premises down temporarily due to the Government advice provided to work from home where possible. This is assisted by a range of Government support packages which aim to keep the economy effectively moth balled until a time when it becomes a safer environment for us all to move around more freely.

If however you are an Employer that employs key workers, is unable to work from home or provides a product that is essential then you may have chosen to continue with work.

This presents new challenges with regards to health management within the workplace. The guidance is clear that social distancing (minimum of 2m) must be observed and implemented. Along with the provision of suitable welfare facilities, increased emphasis on personal hygiene and recognising signs and symptoms this leaves a range of actions that will be required for Employers to take. Also remember that if you have asked your employees to work from home they will now be exposed to new hazards that may not be apparent on a normal day to day basis within the workplace.

If you are currently still operational, whether this be on a full or reduced time basis, and you would like to discuss the requirements and practical steps you can take to stay in line with the Government guidance and help to manage the spread of Coronavirus in the workplace please contact us.

We remain open and operational throughout this time.